SQL Basic- SQL UPDATE Command


This statement is used to update records in a table.

SQL UPDATE Statement 

The SQL update statement is used to update existing record in a table.


[To update the existing record into the table, we are using SQL UPDATE command as follows:]

UPDATE table_name 

SET col1=value1, col2=value2 

WHERE column=value;


WHERE clause:

In SQL UPDATE Statement, WHERE clause specifies which record should be updated.

If you don't use WHERE clause,then SQL UPDATE condition update all records.

Data Is Updated Only in Specified Columns:

The following statement will update existing record as per the specifies condition in WHERE Clause.

Below is existing  "Student" table:

Example 1:

[we update existing student "Ajeet" with a new Address in "Student" table.]

The following statement are used as to Update a existing "Ajeet's " record into the "Student" table:

UPDATE Student

SET Address='Delhi'

WHERE StudentName='Ajeet';


Message Comes: (1 row(s) affected)